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​​All training programs are tailored to your needs and goals and are hands on. Regardless of methodology, we use praise and positive reinforcement as an integral part of the training and to make it enjoyable for you and your dog.


Our approach extends beyond training sessions, we encourage mindfulness in every interaction with your canine companion. It's about creating a lifestyle that enhances both lives. 


Training is a collaborative effort by the owners, dog and trainer. Everyone has a part in the process.


Training is all in home. A walk around the neighborhood or training at a nearby park 

is always par for the course. 


 "The joys in dog training doesn't lie in the final result, the joy lies in those small triumphs along the way."



Just as how we humans all learn differently, there is no one method to dog training. One size does not fit all. Being well versed in many different training styles is key to knowing what works for your dog.


The relationship between human and dog can be complex. A wedge can be created if the relationship between the human and dog is not thoroughly understood and handled with care. Having a bond that is founded on the understanding of each other and communication, we can have a dog that looks to us for guidance and willing to follow our lead.


It's not about the quantity of time you spend with your dog, it's about the quality of time. Teaching dogs' quality of life skills like self-discipline, communication and control: to me, is what truly matters. 

*During training, I will encourage purchasing equipment for the overall process. Basic training collars and elevated dog beds range from $20- 50. For regular behavioral problems, regular low-level remote collars are totally fine. I only use high quality, professional grade remote collars ranging from $200-300.

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